Page 8 - 2016 Yearbook International Swimming Hall of Fame
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International Swimming Hall of Fame Members & Donors

                      January 2016 - January 2017 / Built by Swimmers For Swimming

            The International Swimming Hall of Fame got its financial start from memberships by loyal fans and community conscious citizens
            backing “their” International Swimming Hall of Fame. To all of you who have contributed over the years - THANK YOU! To every-
            one else, we cannot continue to exist without YOUR support and ask that you please consider joining our growing membership rolls.
            For more information about membership and how to support ISHOF visit or call us at (954)462-6536.

            Membership                Penny Lee Dean            Jean Henning              Suzette Osborn
            Basic                     Daniel Dee Desjardins     Greg Higgins              Alison Osinski
                                      Betty Devine              Ginny & Michael Jasontek  Yoshi Oyakawa
            Richard Abrahams          Bob Dillon                Don Jepsen                David Painter
            Andrew Ardrey             Keith Dixon               Walter Johnson            Peggy Parkin
            Jaqueline Accardi         David Duda                Timothy Johnson           David Parrington
            Elizabeth (Libby) Andersen  Chris & Holly Duplanty  Marshall Jones            Willard Patterson
            Shelley Arthur            Mary Durrant              Betsy Jordan              Dale Petranech
            Susie Atwood              Richard Edsall            Ed Kaminski               Frank Piemme
            Roxana Bacon              George Ellis              Paul Katz                 Karlyn Pipes
            David Barney              Jeanne Ensign             Thomas Kellgher           Greg Porter
            Diane Bartlett            Robert Erickson           John B. Kelly III         John Prevar
            Charles Bates             Mary Essert               Robert Kennedy            Edwin Pyle
            Dawn Bean                 Jeff Farrell              Gene & Bootsy Kerr        Phyllis Quinn
            Anne Berry                Frank Fidler              Edward Kirk               Mike Read
            James Biles               Helga Finnigan            Kathleen Klein Prindle    Mary Ann Reeves
            George Billings           Graeme Fiser              Brenda Kline              Walt Reid
            Carolyn Boak              Jay Fitzgerald (Pinecrest)  Roger Kodat             Ed Reynolds
            Wendy Boglioli            Renee & Andy Flager       Roz Koenen                Paul Richards
            Robert Boynton            John Flanagan             Richard Korhammer         Martha Robbins
            Chris Brewster            Warrick Ford              Emily Kowalski            Mel Roberts
            Douglas Brown             Gilles Frappier           Joseph Krasevec           Gail Roper
            Robert Bullock            Millard Freeman           Larry Krauser             Bill Ross
            Peter Camin               Marion Frega              Janice Krauser            Charles Rowe
            Terry Carlisle            Herbert Furash            Chuck Kroll               Fred Russell
            Kathrine Casey            Janet Gabriel             Loretta Larson            Mauricio Santos
            Melinda Chappell          Peter Gallagher           Norman Layne              Nathalie Sawaya
            Christine Ciraulo Plank   Thaddeus Gamory           Ilya Longfellow           Greg Scott
            Stephen Clegg             Michael Garibaldi         Margaret MacLennan        Marc Shapiro
            Annie Clement             Robert Gaughran           Edward Martin             James Sheehan
            Bob Clotworthy            Mel Goldstein             Strecko Mavrek            Dan Simonelli
            Ingenue Cobbinah          Francis Gorman            Steve McFarland           Lisa Simpson
            Steve Collins             Cherry Grant              Russell Meyer             Paul Slamar
            Frank Comfort             Joe Groscost              Glenn Mills               Fleur Sohtz
            Tony Corbisiero           Susan Grosse              Jim Montgomery            Dorothy Sowers
            Ned Crouch                Frederick Haartz          Kevin More                John Spannuth
            Daniel Curtis             Kaye Hall Greff           Quentin Muffat            Elizabet “Tita” Stack
            Joy Cushman               Dick Hannula              Mick Nelson               Devel Stephens
            Bob Darbee                Charles Harris            Sue Nelson                Sheila Stolarski
            Stephen Darnell           June & Frederick Heger    Joseph Oakes              Christine Stopka
            Johnson Dawson            David Heller              Open Water Swim Academy   Jeanne Struck

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