Page 9 - Celebrating 50 Years of the International swimming Hall of Fame
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International Swimming Hall of Fame Members & Donors

                      December 2017 - December 2018 / Built by Swimmers For Swimming

            The International Swimming Hall of Fame got its financial start from memberships by loyal fans and community conscious citizens
            backing “their” International Swimming Hall of Fame. To all of you who have contributed over the years - THANK YOU! To every-
            one else, we cannot continue to exist without YOUR support and ask that you please consider joining our growing membership rolls.
            For more information about membership and how to support ISHOF visit or call us at (954)462-6536.

            Individual Members        Gregory Eggert            Chandler Johnson          Sherrill Nelson
                                      Debbie Eisinger           Timothy Johnson           Sandy Nitta
            Jaqueline Accardi         Philip Emery              Sarah Josephson           Jay Norris
            Elizabeth LibbyAndersen   Jeanne Ensign             Karen Josephson           Danielle Ogier
            Carol Andre               Wally Fall                Elsa & Glenn Kaye         Julie O’Neill Dussliere
            Stathis Avramidis         Matthew Farrell           Gene Kerr                 Mark Onstott
            David Barney              Lewis  Fellinger          Roz Koenen                Joanie Oram
            Paul Barrett              John Flanagan             Joseph Krasevec           Alison Osinski
            Paul Battenberg           John Fletemeyer           Janice Krauser            Jayne Owen Bruner
            Mark Bayuk                Sam Franklin              Ken  Kroeger              Nancy Perry
            Robert Beach              Janet Gabriel             Chuck Kroll               Susan and Dan Pfau
            Dawn Bean                 Peter Gallagher           Kelvin Landoldt           Mariusz Podkoscielny
            Leadel Bean               Michael Garibaldi         Don Leas                  Faye Poenisch
            Simone Benhayon           Jack Geoghegan            Monica Lepore             Rita Polatin
            Alex Blavatnik            Dave Gibson               Laurette Longmire         Dennis Pursley
            Tom Boak                  George Goff               Norma Longmire            Robert Rachor Jr
            Brent  Bohlender          Mel Goldstein             Eleanor Lorenc            Peter Rocca
            Gregory Bonann            Brian Gordon              David Lush                Gail Roper
            Robert Boynton            Frank Gorman              Peter Malone              Andy Ross
            George Breen              Ralph Goto                Jack Martin               Summer Sanders Schlopy
            Steven Budrick            Tracy & David Grilli      Jason Mauss               Mark Schubert
            Andy Burke                Joe Groscost              Richard McClure           Michael Schuelke
            John Burke                Bob Groseth               Charles & Rosena          Jean W. Scott
            Richard Burns             Dick Hannula                 McConica               Bill Seneff
            Ruth Bussard              Neill Harden              Arvel & Linda McElroy     Brian Shepherd
            Kathrine Casey            Steve Hasty               Judith McGowan            Laurel Sheppard
            Cav & Debie Cavanaugh     Suzanne Heim-Bowen        Barbara McNamee           Ellen Shockro
            Steve Clark               Debbie Hesse              John & Alice Meiners      Elizabeth Sikes
            Annie Clement             Kiyomi Hirose             John Meisenheimer Jr.     Jenny Smith
            Marcia Cleveland          Ann Hirsch                Francis Mellon            John Spannuth
            Jeanne Collier            Matthew Hodle             Mike Meyers               Edward A. Stickles
            Eric  Craven              Pat  Hogan                James Miller              Martin Strel
            Anne Cribbs Warner        Rich Hood                 Patricia Miller           Jeanne Struck
            Bob Darbee                John House                Matthew Miller            Patria Sulivan
            Stephen Darnell           Carl House                Michele Mitchell          Jeff Taylor
            James Davis               Bert Hubbard              Skip Monsein              Kathy Thomas Young
            Kyle Deery                Peter Hugo                Jim Montgomery            Ed Townsend
            Edward Denny              Joseph Inglefield III     Michael Moore             Gregg Troy
            Jacob D’Ottavio           John Jacobson             Robin Munro               Robert Van Almen
            Joe Drucker               Ginny & Michael Jasontek  David Munro               Julie Van Cleave
            David DuBois              Ronald Jenkins            Brian Mykleby             Helen Wang
            David Duda                Jeff Johnson              Geoff Mykleby             Nancy Weiman

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